Zlender Images of Comet Hale-Bopp

26K 33K


Observer: Udo Zlender
Location: Bonn, Germany
Date: April 1, 1997

I now have roughly 500 MBye of image data. Here are some results from April 1. These three ccd-images of comet Hale-Bopp were made at the prime focus of a Celestron C11 at 19:53 UT. Camera was OES LcCCD14 in high resolution mode (772 x 580 pixels), exp. time was 5 seconds, no filters were used. The pictures are a combination of 7 images which were dark subtracted, flat fielded, registered and median combined. A three times zoomed area around the coma is shown here. In this sequence I try to get some deeper insight into the dense nuclear surroundings. Starting with image 1, which is in false color, a next image is obtained by the Larson-Sekanina algorithm (18 deg) showing complex details. The last one was made by superimposing image number 1 by a grey scaled version of the second image.

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