Zlender Images of Comet Hale-Bopp



Observer: Udo Zlender
Location: Bonn, Germany
Date: April 7, 1997

Here you see one of the first astrophotos I ever took. Camera was Nikon F with 1:4 f=200mm Nikkor. Exp. time was 5 minutes and it must be mentioned that the comet appeared next to a streetlight, and the heart of Bonn city is only one mile away. The film I used, Kodak VR 100 is not known to be a special astroemulsion and the processing was done in a normal super market. The primary goal was to take ccd-images of the comets core through the telescope and the Nikon was just used in parallel. The star cluster is M34 in Perseus. The second image is a false color representation of the one above. This image of A. Dimai, R. Volcan, D. Ghirardo was made at the same time. It shows more detail in the ion tail. (Better conditions, longer exposure time and perhaps a better film add up here).

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