Zlender Images of Comet Hale-Bopp



Observer: Udo Zlender
Location: Bonn, Germany
Date: April 8, 1997

Data are the same as the day before. The comet has moved as you see when you compare the position of M34 in this image and the one from April 7. Again the second image is a false color representation of the first one at a slightly zoomed scale.

24K 8K

These two ccd-images of the inner coma of comet Hale-Bopp were made at the prime focus of the Celestron C11 at 19:03 UT. Camera was OES LcCCD14 in 2x2 binning mode, exp. time was 5 seconds, no filters were used. The pictures are a combination of 9 images which were dark subtracted, registered, median combined and log scaled. Contrast stretching reveals different levels of detail in the images.

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